Objectives in RichCast
A great story is underpinned with clear and exciting objectives.
Be Clear
Make sure your player understands their objective and aims.
Don’t drop a player into a situation without any guidance.
If necessary, offer hints on what the player should be doing. A great way of doing this is using the ‘Unrecognised‘ or ‘No Response’ function in the Choice tile. If the player says something that is not recognised, offer a clue and nudge them in the right direction. Similarly, if they don’t respond in a certain amount of time, provide a subtle piece of information to help them.
Good Examples of Clear Objectives
Find clues to solve the murder.
Interview a character to obtain information.
Choose your outfit.
‘Quiz‘ or ‘Game Show’ formats.
Locate an object to progress.
Things To Avoid
Presenting the player with too many locations to explore.
Introducing multiple characters at once.
Giving the player too many choices.
Lengthy speech and back stories.
Making objectives too complicated.
Over complexity. Your title might be extremely impressive to look at in the RichCast Editor, but does this benefit the player?