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Implementation in RichCast

Tips on building a title within the RichCast editor.

Prom Queen (3).png

Planning & Preparation

  • A thorough plan can make a world of difference when it comes to building your title within RichCast.

  • Consider who your title will be aimed at. Factors such as audience age, gender, interests, and even location can influence how your story will be written.

  • Consider your theme, tone, and visual style. Is your story about how love conquers, finding yourself through adventure, or the pitfalls of technology? Is it gentle and educational, explosive and immersive, formal and businesslike? Is it cute and fluffy, cartoony and chaotic, gritty and real? A lot hinges on your target audience.​​​

Develop A Framework

  • This is where you decide on the basic structure of your title. If it has three parts, break the title up into three chapter tabs. If a plot direction is dependent upon something happening earlier in the story or on the player picking up an important item, then you’ll need a variable to represent this. Get these in place while structuring the basic framework for your title. â€‹

Flesh Out Content

  • ​​Now that you’ve got a basic structural framework for your whole title, it’s time to think about how your characters talk and what messages they need to relay. Remember, each interactive encounter will take around a minute for the player to navigate the first time, and you probably don’t want your title to play for longer than 15 minutes if you want to keep your player engaged, so even though you’re fleshing the conversation out, be concise and avoid repetition, (unless that repetition is relevant to the story, of course).​​


  • These things tend to go hand in hand. It’s a bit like editing a film. The amount of time an image is on screen can be defined by how quickly the sound happens, and vice/versa.  The audio/visuals have to be paced right to make sense. While you’re making your audio visuals, play them through. A lot! Maybe an image flashes up too quickly or a camera pans too slowly. Establish what the problems are and address them one by one. When you’re done, you should have an audio visual sequence that the player can read well along with the dialogue. This takes practice and time, so feel free to start with rough versions of the sounds and images you want to use while you get the pacing you want.

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