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Publishing Guidelines

Last updated October 2022


RichCast allows you, the Project Owner, to publish your Title (Project) on the RichCast Platform for other Players to enjoy, provided you adhere to the rules.​



You should fill in the Copyright details with the owner of the Title. Provided you have not signed an agreement to the contrary, you will own the IP of your Title.



It is courteous to acknowledge all contributors in the Credits.

Some Media Library sites request you acknowledge use of their IP and you should add this in the Credits.



For the protection of other RichCast players, your Title must not contain offensive material.

For example...


If you are unsure, please refer to Section 5 of the RichCast EULA for more detailed guidance on what material is/is not acceptable.


Please note that you are responsible for all the content of your Title, even if your contributors added content that breaches our rules.


Any Titles found Violating these rules maybe be Unpublished by Panivox. 

Persistent deliberate abuse will lead to warnings and ultimately may result in account deletion.

Players can Report content issues to bring them to our attention.

Titles found to contain material that breaches the rules can be updated to remove offending content and Republished.


Publishing, Unpublishing and Republishing

Publishing is not instant and will go through a moderation procedure, which may take several days. 


Ratings will be retained when updating. Errors and dead-ends will lead to poor Star Ratings, so it's recommended you have friends play your Title and give you feedback you can address prior to publishing. Use the Team feature to invite them to play.


You can improve your Title and Republish a newer version at any time.


You can remove a Title from being published at anytime, if you'd rather it wasn't available to the public.



RichCast is still in the early stages of development and during this phase your Titles will be priced as free since we've not yet developed the royalty system. We hope to address this over the coming months.



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